Din păcate, se dă numai pentru vehicule, dar tare m-ar bucura să fie şi pentru condus propria viaţă sau carieră (şi mai ştiu câteva neveste care-ar dori şi pentru condus viaţa jumătăţii de asemenea :P).

Iar dacă ar fi aşa ceva, sigur cele două cărţi menţionate mai jos ar fi lectură obligatorie.

Ca de obicei, vă încânt cu câteva fragmente, sper să vă conving să citiţi pe de-a-ntregul.


Managing Yourself

  • As a specialist in learning disabilities, I have found that the most dangerous disability is not any formally diagnosable condition like dyslexia or ADD. It is fear. Fear shifts us into survival mode and thus prevents fluid learning and nuanced understanding. Certainly, if a real tiger is about to attack you, survival is the mode you want to be in. But if you’re trying to deal intelligently with a subtle task, survival mode is highly unpleasant and counterproductive. […] Intelligence dims. In a futile attempt to do more than is possible, the brain paradoxically reduces its ability to think clearly.
  • He ues the OHIO rule: Only handle it once. If he touches a document, he acts on it, files it, or throws it away. “I don’t put it in a pile”, he says. “Piles are like weeds, If you let them grow, they take over everything”.
  • It is a paradox of human psychology that while people remember criticism, they respond to praise. The former makes them defensive and therefore unlikely to change, while the latter produces confidence and the desire to perform better.
  • Nine years ago, when I knew I was going to become CEO of this company, I spent three days with its legendary founder, David Ogilvy, at his chateau in France. […] At one point, I asked him a question point-black: David, if you were going to say one thing to me, what would it be? He didn’t hesitate in his response. No matter how much time you spend thinking about, worrying about, focusing on, questioning the value of, and evaluating people, it won’t be enough, he said. People are the only thing that matters, and the only thing you should think about, because when that part is right, everything else works.
  • Manners are the lubricating oil of an organization. It is a law of nature that two moving bodies in contact to each other create friction. […] Manners – simple things like saying “please” and “thank you” and knowing a person’s name or asking after her family – enable two people to work together whether they like each other or not.


Managing Your Career

  • Bill [n.n. Bill Campbell] showed me the power of leadership. […] I dove, too, into one of life’s most important lessons. People will deliver the impossible if you inspire them. And inspiration is a subtle art – a mix of empathy, respect and love.
  • The most critical factor for people to consider in choosing a gratifying second career is their ego ideal. It can serve as a road map. Central to a person’s aspirations, the ego ideal is an idealized image of oneself in the future. […] When a career helps satisfy the ego ideal, life and work are rewarding and enjoyable. When a career does not help meet these self-demands, work is a curse. In short, the wish to attain the ego ideal, to like oneself, is the most powerful of motivating forces.
  • A careful review of family history and school and work experiences can go a long way in outlining the needs that are important to the ego ideal:
    1. What were your father’s or your father substitute’s values? […] And then, what were your mother’s values?
    2. What was the first thing you did that pleased your mother?
    3. Who were your childhood heroes or heroines?
    4. Who are and were your models – relatives, teachers, scoutmasters, preachers, bosses, characters in stories?
    5. When you were able to make choices, what were they? (e.g. elective subjects in school, major in college, jobs you accepted)
    6. What few experiences in your lifetime have been the most gratifying?
    7. Of all the things you’ve done, at which were you the most successful?
    8. What would you like to be remembered for?
  • We hope we have shown that the essence of leadership lies in the capacity to deliver disturbing news and raise difficult questions in ways that moves people to take up the message rather than kill the messenger
  • The classic protective devices of a person in authority tend to insulate them from those qualities that foster an acute experience of living. Cynism, often dressed up as realism, undermines creativity and daring. Arrogance, often posing as authoritative knowledge, snuffs out curiosity and the eagerness to question. Callousness, sometimes portrayed as the thick skin of experience, shuts out compassion for others.

Written by raluca

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